
On July 9, 2021, an exercise was held that served as a proof of concept to test the TAGRS. The U-2 uses Jet Propellant Thermally Stable (JPTS), a highly specialized fuel that is not readily available at airports worldwide, which is why this specialized concept, IRF, is so crucial. The TAGRS is based on an old expeditionary concept going back to WWII, however what is new is that it is being used for JPTS fuel.


“So IRF is meant to challenge decision making and ensure that the U-2, and the Air Force in general, can deploy to any location.'' Jeremy Fagan, 9th LRS fuels flight commander. “Our old methods of deploying where we are constantly rotating forces to the same place year after year is predictable,” said 2nd Lt. The TAGRS is a pump that pulls fuel out of a 500-gallon bladder rather than having to depend on fuel trucks in deployment areas. One of these aspects involves managing the fuel for the U-2, which is where the new expeditionary fuel system, the Tactical Aviation Ground Refueling System (TAGRS) comes in as part of IRF.


“Our main job is to manage all of the wing’s deployment commitments.” “LRS is the only sortie generating squadron on base that has one key word in it readiness,” said Maj. This system will improve the U-2 Dragon Lady’s rapid deployment capability and allow for immediate refueling in expeditionary environments.


The 9th Logistics Readiness Squadron is implementing a new expeditionary fueling system as part of the Immediate Response Force (IRF).
